
2024-MAY-11 : migration to new host completed.
2024-APR-25 : the webserver migrated to a new system and broke my programs.

   27-JUL-2024  00Z  Soaring report from DVN upper air data
   Forecast high 82 F; est. base of any clouds 4945 feet AGL.

                  === Some Raw Upper-Air Data ===
Feet MSL:    751    897   1102   2904   3150   3337   3555   3776   4030   5131
Pres mb:     992    987    980    920    912    906    899    892    884    850
Temp C:     26.0   24.6   24.0   19.2   18.4   18.4   18.4   18.4   18.4   16.4
VirT C:     28.4   26.7   26.1   21.2   20.3   20.4   20.4   20.4   20.2   18.2
DewPt C:    18.0   15.6   16.0   14.2   13.8   13.8   13.8   13.6   12.4   12.0
Wdir@kts:                      155 12                                    310  3

       === Interpolations (temps in deg. F, altitudes in feet MSL) ===
  MSL  *TI* Wdir@kts trig  VirT  1.2 degrees/division ("`": Dry Adiabatic)
-----  ---- -------- ---- . ---- -----------------------------------------
10000   8.1            96 | 50.7 `          :                             
 9500   7.5            95 | 52.3   `          :                           
 9000   6.3            93 | 52.8     `        :                           
 8500   5.8            92 | 54.6       `        :                         
 8000   4.3            90 | 54.7         `      :                         
 7500   3.8            89 | 56.4            `    :                        
 7000   3.6            88 | 58.8              `    :                      
 6500   3.4            88 | 61.1                `    :                    
 6000   2.8            87 | 62.7                  `   :                   
 5500   1.8            85 | 63.4                     ` :                  
 5000   1.3  310   3   84 | 65.2                       ` :                
 4500   0.7            83 | 66.9                         `:               
 4000   0.1            82 | 68.4                           :              
 3500  -1.3            81 | 68.6                           : `            
 3000  -2.3  155  12   79 | 69.5                            :   `         
 2500  -2.3            79 | 72.1                              :   `       
 2000  -2.4  115  10   79 | 74.6                                :   `     
 1500  -2.5            78 | 77.0                                  :   `   
 1000  -2.7  105   6   78 | 79.5                                    :    `

   === Complete Upper Air Data ===

   P(mb)     H(ft)    Tv(C)    T(C)    DP(C)   wind dir  wind spd

    992.0      751     28.4     26.0     18.0
    987.0      897     26.7     24.6     15.6
    980.0     1102     26.1     24.0     16.0
    920.0     2904     21.2     19.2     14.2      155       12
    912.0     3150     20.3     18.4     13.8
    906.0     3337     20.4     18.4     13.8
    899.0     3555     20.4     18.4     13.8
    892.0     3776     20.4     18.4     13.6
    884.0     4030     20.2     18.4     12.4
    850.0     5131     18.2     16.4     12.0      310        3
    843.0     5363     17.8     16.0     11.7
    837.0     5562     17.3     15.6     10.6
    829.0     5830     17.2     15.6      9.6
    822.0     6067     17.0     15.4      9.4
    814.0     6339     16.6     15.0      9.0
    786.0     7309     14.1     12.4      9.8
    775.0     7698     13.0     11.4      8.6
    768.0     7947     12.6     11.0      8.8
    749.0     8634     12.5     11.6      0.6
    737.0     9077     11.4     11.2    -22.8
    730.0     9338     11.5     11.4    -32.6
    723.0     9601     11.2     11.2         
    700.0    10482      9.4      9.4               335        4
    699.0    10520      9.4      9.4         
    660.0    12075      7.9      7.6    -14.4
    654.0    12321      7.5      7.2    -17.8
    642.0    12820      6.6      6.2    -12.8
    593.0    14935      1.7      1.4    -17.6
    559.0    16489     -0.3     -0.3         
    537.0    17538     -1.8     -1.9    -29.9
    510.0    18875     -5.0     -5.1    -37.1
    500.0    19384     -6.2     -6.3    -35.3       40       14
    483.0    20268     -8.2     -8.3    -28.3
    439.0    22676    -13.5    -13.5    -42.5
    429.0    23249    -14.8    -14.9    -40.9
    411.0    24307    -17.5    -17.5    -51.5
    400.0    24971    -19.3    -19.3    -52.3       50       13
    386.0    25837    -21.5    -21.5    -49.5
    359.0    27576    -25.5    -25.5    -56.5
    331.0    29488    -30.7    -30.7    -55.7
    309.0    31081    -33.5    -33.5    -66.5
    300.0    31759    -35.1    -35.1    -66.1       65       16
    273.0    33889    -41.1    -41.1    -64.1
    250.0    35830    -46.1    -46.1    -65.1       80       19
    212.0    39352    -55.5    -55.5    -66.5
    200.0    40566    -57.1    -57.1    -68.1       70       11
    193.0    41304    -58.1    -58.1    -69.1
    191.0    41519    -58.3    -58.3    -69.3       20       23
    174.0    43462    -54.1    -54.1    -67.1
    166.0    44451    -55.1    -55.1    -69.1
    157.0    45617    -55.7    -55.7    -70.7
    150.0    46568    -56.7    -56.7    -71.7       40       28
    137.0    48440    -59.7    -59.7    -76.7
    128.0    49823    -62.9    -62.9    -79.9      295       16
    123.0    50631    -61.5    -61.5    -79.5
    122.0    50797    -61.5    -61.5    -79.5
    115.0    51995    -62.9    -62.9    -81.9
    111.0    52709    -63.3    -63.3    -82.3
    110.0    52891    -63.5    -63.5    -83.5
    105.0    53833    -61.5    -61.5    -82.5
    104.0    54028    -61.5    -61.5    -82.5

Additional wind data:

  H(ft)   dir   spd
 ------   ---   ---
  1000    105     6
  2000    115    10